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National Native Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program

Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) is a community based program funded from Health Canada since 1970's.  NNADAP Program is to help and assist community members who are struggling with their addictions and to promote healthy living lifestyle within the community.

The National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) helps set up and operate addiction programs to reduce and prevent alcohol, drug and solvent abuse within our  community.

The NNADAP workers are mandated  to provide supportive  and assistance role in all phases of planning, development and the delivery of program and policy implementation designed to educate, prevent and alleviate the tendency of abuse.


Provide Educational process on prevention, and awareness on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse at the school and community level, assessment referrals and after care services.

NNADAP program is open to anyone that is seeking help. We provide case conferences, one on one counselling sessions.

If you need more information about NNADAP Program, please feel free to contact us at (204) 456-2404.

Virginia Monias, NNADAP Counsellor                                                         

Phone: 1-204-335-2961

Sharon Little, NNADAP Counsellor

Phone: 1-204-698-1195


Lloyd Harper, NNADAP Counsellor

Phone: 1-431-277-3693

Our main target is to deliver the program to the community of Garden Hill First Nation, which focuses on prevention and intervention.

AA Meetings will be held at the Health Resource Centre every Wednesday nights at 7 pm. and Tele-Health AA meeting at the Nursing Station every Thursday nights at 7 pm.  If you have any questions, you can call Virginia or Sharon.


P.O Box 584

Island Lake, Manitoba

R0B 0T0


ON-CALL NUMBER IS: 204-450-3551

Copyright © 2020 by Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.

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