Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.
Garden Hill Anisininew Nation, Manitoba
Medical Transportation Program
Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc. receives funding through First Nation Inuit Health Branch to provide Medical Transportation Services for the Garden Hill First Nation members to access the Garden Hill nursing station and for Medivac's. The program also provides services for the Health professionals and dialysis patients to/from the nursing station.
Human Resources
2 Day time medical drivers provide transportation to the nursing station, emergencies and medivacs during regular hours from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
After hours medical driver begins his/her shift at 5:00 pm to 9:00 am every evening. He/she is responsible for transportation in the evening and during overnight hours, including medivacs and medical evacuation to the airport.
Weekend medical driver provides transportation during the weekend hours that begin on Friday from 5:00 pm to Monday morning at 9:00 am. on-cal at all hours during this period. (2 individuals shift change/rotate)
Main duties
Nursing Station Trip - Transport patients from their homes to the nursing station and then back to their homes for nurses' appointment, Doctors' appointment, dentist, therapy, TB clinic, chronic clinic, prenatal clinic and after hour emergencies.
Airport Trips - Patients (elders, special needs) Doctors, Nurses, other health professionals, and medivacs and on call at all times. Including if there is a need for an evacuation warranted by the First Nation Leadership.
Dialysis Transportation - The medical driver picks up renal patients for dialysis on schedule days. The driver picks up STP and Wassagamack patients at the health dock and/or at helicopter landings.
Kathy Wood, Medical Transportation Coordinator
(204) 456-2926
P.O Box 584
Island Lake, Manitoba
R0B 0T0