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Jordon's Principle Program

Child First Initiative

WeeGeeHee Ninijanis

Garden Hill Jordon's Principle Services

The mandate of the Jordan’s Principle is to provide medical and social services to the all First Nation youths between the ages of 0 to 21 without any delays, disruptions, or limitations.  All youth should have equal access to health and social services no matter where they live.

The Garden Hill Jordan’s Principle – Child First Initiative hired ten staff members in September 2018.  Staff included a case manager, assistant case manager, clerical support, transportation driver, four child development workers and two respite workers.  Initially, staff worked out of the Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc. boardroom from September to January, then moved to the youth center where they started respite care for families with special needs children.  Jordan’s Principle staff also delivered community activities that promote good mental health, physical participation, emotional support, and locally accepted cultural values.

The Jordan’s Program schedules a child to come in for respite care twice a week for 2 hours per session.  This will give the family time for themselves to rest, spending time with their significant other, do housework, shopping etc.  The child development workers plan the children’s activities with advisement from occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech and language pathologist, nurse consultations and child psychologist.  They also do one to one teaching through play.  Respite/Aide workers plan activities for children during care. 

Transportation driver, not only transports children, family, and visiting professionals but helps plan and participates with community activities.  The driver also does maintenance such as gathering garbage, installation, hauling, and light errands. The clerical support and assistant case manager assist the case manager.

Jordan’s Principle supports community’s youth activities by donating dollars for travel to another communities, purchasing team equipment, and providing participation incentives.

Jordan’s Principle’s main focus is to ensure all children of Garden Hill receive support holistically. It is believed, by the staff and community, that all aspects of mental, physical, emotional, and spirit needs to be in balance in order for a child to be healthy.  A healthy child then can reach his or her full potential.

Erna Taylor, JP Case Manager                                                      

(204) 456-9485                                                                                                     


P.O Box 646

Island Lake, Manitoba

R0B 0T0

                                                                                                       Office: (204) 456-9485

                                                                                           Fax (204)456-2620

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